This photovoltaic reference cell is a radiometer used for measuring illumination levels when assessing the performance of photovoltaic devices. By quantifying the amount of light reaching a test device, it enables the light-to-electricity conversion performance of solar cells and modules to be measured and compared.
Reference cells are most commonly used to set the intensity of a light source to a particular test condition (e.g. one-sun) for I-V measurements.
Reference cells include a rugged enclosure, solar cell, temperature sensor, and protective window. Cell type, temperature sensor, and window material can be selected to meet your requirements.
PV Measurements, Inc. can provide reference cells with or without calibration. When ordered with calibration, the customer receives calibration certificates citing traceability to NREL and NIST as well as I-V and spectral response data.
Features of Most Common Configuration
May be used outside (not designed for continuous outdoor use) or with solar simulators
2-cm by 2-cm square silicon solar cell
Close thermal contact between solar cell and enclosure
Temperature sensor
4-wire contact to the solar cell
BK7 glass window
Broad-spectrum, low-reflectivity coating behind window and surrounding solar cell
Mounting hole pattern (62 mm X 62 mm) compatible with WPVS reference cell design
Quartz window or colorglass filter for customizing spectral response to resemble that of a particular test material such as amorphous silicon (instead of BK7 glass)
RTD temperature sensor or alternative thermocouple type
Cable termination using your preferred connector
Different size solar cell or aperture placed over solar cell